Local Dance Classes
Whether you are new to ballroom dancing or an experienced professional, dance classes help you to improve your skills and techniques. Classes range from private to group settings.
Ballroom Dance Dayton is not associated with any of these teachers or studios. Please contact them directly for more information.

Elegance in Dance
8967 Kingsridge Drive (behind the Dayton Mall)
Miamisburg, OH
(937) 830-0604
Monday Night Group Lessons begin at 7:00 p.m. - Only $10.00 per person
Two 45 Minute Lessons - comprehensive and detailed, perfect for all levels.
- Basic/Bronze Instructor: Amy Suber
- Intermediate/Advanced: Terry Cavanaugh
Lessons are followed by an Open Practice Dance Party from 8:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
Dayton Ballroom Dance Club
Arbor Hall
2150 Arbor Blvd.
Dayton, OH
(937) 848-4947
Mon: 6:30-7:15 pm Jill's Add-On Dance, 7:30-9:00 pm Basic, Bronze I, Bronze II, and Silver, 9:00-10:30 pm Practice Dance.
Price of admission includes lesson and practice dance. Contact: Walter Sulivan (757) 773-5949
Dayton Dance Centre
7 E. Central
Miamisburg, OH 45432
(937) 219-8512
For further information and times of classes, please call or visit the website.
Teachers: Sara Andrews, Alyenendrov (Lenny) Tsorokean, Laura Karasek, Bronwen, Victor, Jessica, Mali and Will.
Group and private lessons available.
Jill Christy
Private Lessons, call 937-321-4720
Sandy Parks
Dance instructor specializing in country dance and competition, call 937-657-1058
RJ Ballroom
The Rec
11 N. Market St.
Troy, OH 45373
Rick & Judy Bowerman
For further information, please visit the website.
Studio Outback
5999 E. State Route 571
Tipp City, OH 45371
(937) 667-9411 (Call)
(937) 620-3406 (Text)
Instructors: Ronnie & Cindy Mullins, and Errol Threewits
Instruction in Country, Ballroom, Swing, Wedding Choreography, and Country Competitions.
Call/email or visit the website for more information.
Wednesday Night Lessons @ Troy Hayner Cultural Center [301 W. Main Street Troy, OH]
More info: www.troyhayner.org/dance
VK Ballroom
Vitaliy Kozhev
552 Wilmington Avenue
Dayton, OH
(937) 952-5005
Private lessons, group classes and parties.
For further information please send email or call.